about the past, present, and future of learning!

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“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” --H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

We at the Museum of Teaching and Learning are grateful for you, one of the many generous people who plan to include us in their year-end giving. It makes a HUGE difference for us as we proceed to produce exhibitions and events that enact our mission, are relevant in today’s society, and are intriguing to visitors. Please include MOTAL in your year-end or to start the New Year contribution plans.

2023 in Review

500,000 = dollars from California State grant subaward sent onward at last in 2023!

25,000 = dollars awarded by PNC Foundation for education actions, Your Baby’s Amazing Brain

48 = length (in feet) of our beautiful mobile exhibition, Your Baby’s Amazing Brain

14 = electronic exhibit stations in the new Baby’s Brain mobile exhibition

6 = generous people who will augment with $100 each year-end contribution of $100 or more

4th, 5th, college = grade levels for the majority of 2023 visitors who came to SCC and CCCD

4 = partner institutions arranged as hosts for MOTAL exhibitions

3 = docents from Orange Coast College MOTAL helped prepare to guide public school visitors

3 = terrific interns, two from Claremont Graduate University and one from Cal State Fullerton

2 = board members we are seeking; it could be YOU! Send us a message

1 = documentary film group that shot our exhibition, A Class Action, for a Mendez et al. story

1 = fascinating Celeb Salon dinner, a fundraiser featuring twin expert, Professor Nancy Segal

0 = number of employees; MOTAL works with volunteers and talented experts by contract

Coming soon in spring 2024: The high-tech, scientifically accurate, and culturally competent exhibition that will amaze and inform over 45,000 visitors each year entitled Your Baby’s Amazing Brain.

Our mission: We educate people about education

How do we do that?

Produce Exhibitions

Publish Articles

Promote Podcasts

Present Artifacts

Prepare Students

Your donations are all greatly appreciated! They support our charitable educational endeavors to make our communities better places.